
Apologetics & Theology | Youth | Spirituality | Prayer Center | Music Centeral | Vocations
(Above are different services Catholic Youth Cennter ONLINE offers).

Chat Rooms | Message Forums | Games & Activities
Study Room | E-Mail Us | Help

Help Topics:

1. What is Catholic Youth Center ONLINE All About?
2. What is the Youth Section all about?
3. How can I promote Catholic Youth Center ONLINE?
4. Why is no one in the chatrooms?
5. How can I contact CYC?

1. What is Catholic Youth Center ONLINE All About?

At CYC ONLINE, we want to provide a great online Catholic Christian community.  We want those out there from all countries to come together and share in the Good News.

We offer 6 different types of services at CYC ONLINE which are:

1. Apologetics & Theology - spread what we Catholics believe and why!
2. Youth Section - a nice place for youth to come together as one.
3. Spirituality - help strengthen your relationship with God.
4. Prayer Centeral - Pray together and leave prayer requests.
5. Music Centeral - Find music not offensive to God.
6. Vocations - Helps you find your vocation. Single? Married? Priesthood?

E-Mail Us if you have any questions!

2. What is the Youth Section All About?

This section is designed to help bring the youth of the world together.  To help do this, we offer several things which are:
Chatrooms - We wanted a place where youth can talk together.  This part also has two very important chatrooms 1) a classroom and 2) a prayer room.  From time to time we will have a teacher come in and teach a class, or a organized (or unorganized) prayer may happen.  The others are for general chat.

Message Forums - With this section we wanted a nice place for the youth to ask questions, talk amongst themselves, give prayer requests, or recieve help and support with problems they might be facing.  This is why there is an apologetics forum, a prayer forum, and several others.

Games & Activities - Sometimes it can be really hard to find appropriate games and activities online. Therefore, we have taken the liberty of putting games that are appropriate and not always a religious message.  The Activites also aren't always a religious message but include things like crossword puzzles, word searches, coloring books, quizes, ect.  These can also help teachers find material for classrooms.

Study Room - This section is simply a page which links important resources inside and outside of Catholic Youth Center ONLINE.  Most things here will be for private study, but there will also be classrooms available too.  Since we will be putting out apologetic articles and also a newsletter, archieves will be kept here of both of these.

We ask that you help us promote CYC ONLINE.  The more visitors, the more events CYC ONLINE will feature, and the more people in chatrooms, leaving messages and everything.  If you are a webmaster, or simply want to promote CYC ONLINE, get information here.

3. How can I promote Catholic Youth Center ONLINE?

Wow, this is a really good question.  We are really glad you asked.

By promoting CYC ONLINE you might not receive any money, but you can count on an increase of events held by CYC ONLINE.  The more popular we get, the easier I can get people to help make CYC ONLINE a great Catholic resource site.

The following forum will allow you to E-Mail a friend.  All we need is his or her E-mail Address and we will NOT keep track of their E-Mail Address.  In other words, our privacy statement for this is we will not sale or even keep record of this address (we promise):

If you own a website, you may be interested in placing one of our ads on it.  Here are the choices.  Simply cut and paste the code found below each graphic you wish to use:

<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""><BR>Catholic Youth Center ONLINE</A></CENTER>

<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""><BR>Catholic Youth Center ONLINE</A></CENTER>

<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""><BR>Catholic Youth Center ONLINE</A></CENTER>

<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""><BR>Catholic Youth Center ONLINE</A></CENTER>

<CENTER><A HREF=""><IMG SRC=""><BR>Catholic Youth Center ONLINE</A></CENTER>

4. Why is no one in the chatrooms?

There are a few good reasons for no one being in the chatrooms:

1. The chatroom is temporarily down
2. We simply aren't popular enough.  If this is the case, please help publicize this great site by checking out 3. Promoting Catholic Youth Center ONLINE.
3. It is simply waaaay past anyone's bed time.  Try coming back later.
4.  The Y2K Bug got us a bit later then the world expected.

Okay, I admit reason #4 is a bit, umn, strange... Sorry, this is our wierd humor...

5. How can I contact CYC?

What a grrrreat question.

You may contact the founder of CYC ONLINE personally at  Or you may use our on-line E-Mail form.


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