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"To be deep in history is to cease to be Protestant"

Eassy on the Development of Christian Doctrine (Notre Dame, Indiana: Notre Dame Press, 1989)

"Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui Sancto."

Latin for "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit."

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NOTE: Inappropriate message will be deleted with the risk
of banning you from these forums (using your IP Address).

Youth Praying Online is a Chatroom inside of CYC Youth.  We encourage you to pray with your online friends.  Click on the graphic below for the room and some organized prayer schedules.


Before entering these forums you must agree to the following terms:

First and foremost, you must be on your upmost best behavior.  Remember everyone is welcome even those non-Catholics.  If they are harassing or bashing, please be kind and share the truths with faith, hope, and charity.  Please kindly ignore these individuals!  (Praying the Hail Mary out loud always works well).

If you are one of those individuals that feels they must bash or harrass, please don't!  This includes bashing other denominations and individuals aside from the Catholic Church and Her members.  Thanks.

Please use appropriate language.

Use common sense!  If you are in doubt of saying something, please don't! 

Remember WWJD....  Thanks.

Rules are subject to changing without notice.

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